Oath is a single-player hack'n'slash isometric game I produced during my second year on a Game Design course I attended between 2017-2020. It is the result of the combined efforts of more than 20 individuals from all the school departments: Concept Art, Game Programming, Game Design and 3D Modelling
The task I had to perform was keeping an eye on all the online platforms the teams were using, and trying to improve their efficency by introducing new methodologies, templates, and settings.
My biggest challenge was learning all the different tools I was
assigned to manage.
We used Google Drive as central file
storage, Sourcetree and GitHub for the game code, but the daily
life of every worker revolved around the online task platform
named Trello.
Define rules to reduce the confusion and find
the best way to organize the work, was the biggest problem I had
to overcome during the game development.
The first solution that I found after various attempts, together with the other departments' chiefs, was complex and hard to use, but as I refined the templates and more people understood the pros of an organized push, the development process becomes more fluid.
In the end, helping producing Oath teached me many things about teamwork and how to hear and ask for feedback, so I'm happy to had had that experience.